Saturday, May 09, 2009

Making Art of Life

"Wordle: Linda Major Clark"

Making Art of Life
By Karen Clark Ristine for Mom on Mother’s Day 2009

Cinnamon toast,
Georgia O’Keefe,
Blue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rain;
I learned to appreciate all these art forms from Mom.

Y Lady,
Book store owner,
Yearbook adviser;
I learned how to transform lives through each incarnation of her.

Feminist before it was fashionable,
A challenge to rigid authority,
Unabashed advocate of underdogs;
I learned to seek justice from her.

Okie transplant to Texas,
Baptist convert to Catholicism,
B&W photographer to digital;
I learned to bridge differences from her.

Trees of life,
Dad’s love,
Blessed Ties that Bind;
I learned to appreciate all these art forms from Mom.

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