Wednesday, May 02, 2007

From the archives

I was cleaning out the files of my laptop this morning, looking for any sign of the journal I need to turn in/create for one of my classes while also sitting by the boy while he watches Pokemon -- which I notice doesn't even claim to be educational...

And I found this poem, written a little over a year ago. It seemed appropriate for the end of the semester for me and maybe for whatever you are finishing or resting from.

What Sabbath Is Not

Sabbath is not escape.
Sabbath is not running away to some place of quiet or beauty or adventure.
That is vacation or contemplation or meditation.
And each could fill a Sabbath but not define one.

Sabbath is not prayer.
Sabbath is not seeking God’s presence for others or ourselves or the world.
That is litany or petition or intercession.
And each could fill a Sabbath but not define one.

Sabbath is not solving.
Sabbath is not puzzling out remedies for social ills or life’s daily details or vocation.
That is discernment or balance or creative justice.
And each could fill a Sabbath but not define one.

Sabbath is stopping.
Sabbath is quieting the churning of our restless minds and anxious hearts
To listen openly and honestly to our souls and to God.
And that can fill a Sabbath but still not define one.


Marian said...

Beautiful. True. Thank you.

RevErikaG said...

Sounds nice....need Sabbath....